
The World of Khaz


Carter Lovelace and his creative partner had been developing the world of Khaz for some time before contacting me. Their well-developed history, geography, and magic system are too complex to summarize here, but they had a clear idea of how the societies and international relations function in their world. The physical geography was less concrete and I identified within the initial sketch some incongruities which, when altered, would create even more opportunities for Carter and his partner’s world-building minds. After making these edits, we settled on an overall feel that highlighted both the natural variations in the physical geography and the great breadth of cultural features created by the world’s inhabitants.

Working with Zach was the easiest and most fruitful transactions I have ever had, he is an effective and understanding communicator and very reasonable overall. On top of this, he is incredibly talented and anyone who works with him I am certain will be more than pleased with the outcome. Overall, there wasn’t a single thing in the entire process that stood out to me as a negative on his part; this has indeed been a positive experience for me and I am glad to have had his help. If I ever need help on something like this again, Zack Bodenner will be the first person I contact.
— Carter D. Lovelace